How can we relate to the 3 Weeks? What is the lesson to be learned from Tisha B'Av? Is there a universal message to the book of Eikha (Lamentations) or is it something to read just once a year?
We were joined by Dr. Yael Ziegler to talk to gain inspiration, and direction for this time of year. Yael's unique approach to the book of Eikha and how it relates to the rest of Tanakh, as well as revealing themes that are mirrored in the daily prayers shines a new light on the darkest period of the Jewish calendar.
Lamentations: Faith in a Turbulent World
Ruth: From Alienation to Monarchy
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The Koren Podcast was written and hosted by Aryeh Grossman and Alex Drucker and is edited and produced by Alex Drucker. Artwork by Atara Suna. Music by Music Unlimited via
The Koren Podcast is part of the Koren Podcast Network, a division of Koren Publishers Jerusalem.
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